
My Husband, My Protector

God established the husband as the head of the house. Yes, the husband is expected to be considerate of his wife's views and feelings, but he has the responsibility of making the final decisions, and God holds him accountable for those decisions. Therefore, it is...

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The Allure of a Quiet Spirit

One day, I asked my husband, Tom, if he still found me attractive. He said yes. Then I asked if he still found me sexually appealing. He said, "sometimes". I asked him to explain, and his answer surprised me because it had nothing to do with looks! (That's actually...

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Considerate Love: A Husband’s Role

The Bible says, "Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect " (1 Peter 3:7, NIV. The emphasis is mine.) In order to gain an understanding of this verse, we must know what "in the same way" is referring to. It is...

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Husbands, Be Considerate

The Bible says, "Husbands... be considerate as you live with your wives..." (1 Peter 3:7). Tom and I had been married eleven years before we gave our lives to Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, old habits and selfish ways take a long time to change, even with the Lord's...

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Discerning What To Say Yes To

As I was re-reading my old journals from when our children were young and observing daughter Kristy and her husband raising their own preschoolers, I felt compelled to write a note of encouragement to young moms. (The guidelines at the end are applicable to anyone.) I...

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A Helpmate or a Nag?

"A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies." (Proverbs 31: 10) I would like to be thought of by my husband, Tom, as more precious than rubies, so I'm trying to be open to continual learning. One thing I had to learn was the difference...

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Complaining Is Contagious

We must beware of complaining and passing our dislikes onto our children. One day, in 1993, while I was at a luncheon, I began talking to a woman about how I didn't like housework, cooking or sewing. She asked what my mother's attitude had been like in regard to those...

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Be Considerate of Everyone

We must not let our desire to make our children happy cause us to be insensitive to others. When our children were young, an incident came up where both girls had been invited to parties on a day that my husband and I would be out of town. The girls were disappointed,...

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Be Encouraging Rather Than Pushy

My husband, Tom, and I both desire to be helpful to each other, but there have been times when it felt like our spouse was being pushy instead of helpful. For example, one night, Tom and I were discussing what our passion or calling in life was. What excited us, and...

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Resource: The Baptism With the Holy Spirit by R.A. Torrey

Posted 2018. I'm not sure if this little booklet is still in print, so I'm sharing my summary of it: He discusses 3 events. First, is salvation, which comes through faith in Jesus Christ and making Him Lord of our lives. That's when we receive the deposit of the Holy...

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