Are You Careful With Your Words?
A friend of mine once told me that I had typed the word "sex" instead of "six" in one of my blog posts. I had a good laugh over his comment about keeping my posts G rated, but it got me thinking. Both my husband and I had proofread the blog post, but we failed to...
Do You Speak Your Spouse’s Language?
Do you ever feel like you and your spouse are speaking different languages when you try to communicate? I do. Communication breakdowns can lead to misunderstandings and hurt feelings. First, we must be careful not to make assumptions. For example, my husband often...
Are You the “Visionary” or the “Brakes”? (Making Decisions Together)
In your marriage, have you ever felt pressured to make a decision you weren't at peace about? And have you ever felt impatient with your spouse when they weren't excited about your idea? I have experienced both and I've learned that we can avoid a lot of mistakes if...
Are You United in Parental Decisions?
Do you know why it's important for parents to be united in how they deal with their children? I'll address that in this blog post. When you disagree with how your spouse is handling a situation with your children, keep quiet in the moment and then privately discuss...
Are Clear Boundaries Necessary?
In this blog post, I'll be discussing the importance of setting clear boundaries for our children. One day, when our daughter was about 6 years old, she was upset with me and started yelling a lot of mean things. I told her to stay in her room until she calmed down,...
Are You Hindering Or Helping Your Child?
One day a female duck and her six ducklings visited our pool. As I watched them, it appeared that the babies were unable to get out of the pool. My husband raised the level of the water and we placed an upside-down pan on the top step to give them a boost. Some of the...
Are You Persuading Or Presenting?
Do you know the difference between presenting ideas and trying to persuade someone? We're attempting to persuade someone when we're convinced we're right and we're trying to get the other person to agree with us. If this is the case, we shouldn't pretend to be seeking...
Clarifying: Important?
Have you ever been misunderstood? Have you ever misunderstood someone else? If you have, then you understand the importance of asking clarifying questions. My husband often reminds me of things and I appreciate that because I can be forgetful at times and, even if I...
Are You Encouraging Or Motivating?
Do you know the subtle difference between encouraging someone and trying to motivate them? If you know it, and apply it, people will appreciate it! We're encouraging someone when we come alongside them in something they're already motivated to do. We're attempting to...
Missed Blessing
Recently, a lack of faith caused me to miss an opportunity to bless my husband. He and I had gone out on a date. After we were home, he realized he'd left his wallet behind, and said he'd have to go back for it. Instantly, the thought came to my mind, "Offer to get it...