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Claiming God’s Peace


Posted 2016.

My husband and I recently spent 3 1/2 weeks in Istanbul with our daughter’s family. God miraculously kept us healthy in the midst of others’ illnesses and close quarters.

Near the end of our stay, I prayed that the Lord would help me to overcome the overwhelmed feelings that usually hit when I return from a trip. He answered in an unexpected way, but it worked! He allowed me to get sick!

It began our final night there, but thankfully didn’t hit full force until we were home. When I have no mental or physical energy, it’s easy to surrender all of life’s demands to the Lord and just focus on praising Him. The first thing I thanked Him for was keeping us healthy in Istanbul! I’ve been enjoying wonderfully sweet fellowship with Him as I just rest at home.

Now, the challenge is to be able to do that when I’m full of energy! This is my strategy for combating overwhelmed feelings when they come upon me:

  1. STOP what I’m doing! Walk away, if possible. (If that’s not possible, I can still do the other steps.)
  2. Rebuke the devil in Jesus’ name (out loud if possible).
  3. Turn my attention to praising God & take a praise break. Place my concerns & “to do” list in His hands & focus on Him. Most of my tasks can wait at least for a few minutes.
  4. Ask God to direct and strengthen me for the task at hand.

All of this is easier said than done, but that’s my prayerful goal. For now, I’ll just thank Him for making me lie down in green pastures. (Psalm 23) He always knows what I need!

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