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God’s What & Why


I have learned over time that my spiritual calling is to understand what God wants me to do and then do it, but I shouldn’t try to figure out His reasons because, most likely, I’ll be wrong about that. I’ll share 3 examples.

When our disabled son was a teenager, God gave him an anointed singing ministry, traveling to various states and singing to thousands of men at stadiums and other events. My husband and I wrongly concluded that God was calling our son into a full-time traveling ministry and we wasted time and money in that pursuit before we finally realized that God was only using our son in that way for a season. As God always does with our mistakes, we learned valuable lessons that we might not have learned any other way.

My second example relates to my personal ministry to women. I gave my life to Jesus when I was 33 years old. Sometime during the first few years of following Him, I had a strong impression that I would someday write a book and travel and speak. All of those things did come to pass but not in the way I had envisioned it. I’m very happy with the way it turned out (just sharing my book and website blog with a limited audience and only speaking at a few events), but before I understood God’s simple goal for me, I wasted time and money on advertising. My biggest regret was that I had also wasted my son-in-law’s time with all the work he put into my website. But the valuable lesson I learned was that it’s possible to hear God right as far as what He’s calling me to do, but misunderstand His ultimate goal or reasons. Eventually, because I continually sought His will in prayer, things became clear.

My final example relates to some properties my husband and I bought over the years. In each case, it became clear that God’s reasons were different than what we thought, but God did end up being glorified in the way that He used each property.

In conclusion, I learned to seek God’s will, try to follow it (but don’t try to figure out His reasons), and trust Him to bring good out of it even if I make mistakes along the way.

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