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God Adores You!


The author of love, our Creator, adores us!

God created us so that He could lavish His love upon us! Imagine that! We are the objects of His love, the apple of His eye! He loved us before we ever did a thing! He loves us when we obey Him, and He still loves us when we disobey Him. As a parent myself, I know that I may not always like my children’s behavior, but I still love them!

When a man and a woman fall in love, they respond to the other’s love for them. That is how God intended it to be between Him and us. He reaches out in love to us, and we respond to that love by reaching back to Him. Unlike human love, God’s love for us never fades with time. His love is not dependent upon our actions. He will love us faithfully and fervently for all of eternity, if we have chosen to become His child through faith in Christ. I have heard it said, as an illustration of Christ’s love for us, that when Jesus was asked, “How much do you love me,” He replied, “This much,” and then He stretched out His arms on the cross and died.

The apostle Paul prayed that we would know “how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ.” (Ephesians 3:18) It will take an eternity, literally, to fully grasp that. But we can catch a glimpse of it even in this life-time, if we watch for it. “…the earth is full of his unfailing love” (Psalm 33:5, NIV). It is in His amazing creations–from the stars down to the tiniest invisible organism. It’s found in human acts of kindness. (Think of all the times someone has reached out to you at just the right moment when you needed a love touch. Think of how people rally around disaster victims.) His love is in the strength He gives us to persevere in hard times, and it’s in the tender way He comforts our souls when we grieve. It’s in those moments when He intervenes and protects us from harm (ie; the near collision that you barely avoided while driving). It’s in His hand of daily provision and blessings. Every breath we take is a gift of love from Him! Take time to just bask in His love.

“In Him our hearts rejoice…” for our “…hope is in His unfailing love”!

(Psalm 33:21 & 18, NIV)

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  1. Patti

    What a wonderful way to start Valentine’s Day with remembering God’s Love.
    Thank you Jorja for sharing!

    God Bless!


  2. roger tirabassi

    great thoughts and great reminders of a loving God

  3. Joshua Thomasec

    Those were beautiful words that show God’s love for us, that God is love, that Gods’s love has no bounds and no end!!!!
    What a great example God gave for us..

    Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
    (1 Corinthians 13:4-7 NASB)

    Thank you Jorja for sharing!!!!!!!!

  4. Barbara Rann

    How VAST and GREAT our Father’s LOVE for us is, THANKS! Luv ya


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