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Love Is Not Easily Angered


The Bible says love “…is not easily angered…” (1 Corinthians 13:5) This is referring to being upset about an injustice against us or simply being upset about something we don’t like.


Jesus displayed righteous indignation. He was angry at the injustice against other people and came to the defense of the defenseless. When He overturned the money- changers tables in the temple court yard, that was not a spontaneous loss of self-control. Scripture had predicted such actions on the part of the Messiah. He was upset about people being taken advantage of. There will be times when God will stir up righteous indignation in us and call us to do something to improve a situation. But that same Jesus submitted himself to torture and death on the cross for our sake.


Too often, our anger erupts out of selfishness. Our pride has been offended or we feel our needs haven’t been met. Selfish anger says unkind words and does unkind things. It is resentful when things don’t go our way. It is not focused on the needs and feelings of the other person. God’s love always considers the needs of others.


So, when I’m angry, I need to ask myself if I’m upset about how others are being treated, or because of how I’m being treated. If it’s the former, I should ask God to show me what He wants me to do to improve the situation. In addition to praying, is there some action He’s calling me to take? If it’s the latter, ask Him to show me how to peaceably resolve the conflict, if possible, and if I need a change of attitude.


Once I have discerned what action God wants me to take, I need to step out in faith and do it! Then leave the results in His hands.

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