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Love is Patient


The Bible says, “Love is patient.” (1 Corinthians 13:4) Let’s look at several aspects of patience. First of all, a patient person endures pain and trouble without complaining, losing self-control or causing a disturbance. Jesus on the cross is the supreme example of that! He demonstrated patient suffering in action–supernatural love. He endured the cross for our sake. (Note: For serious issues, such as abuse, I recommend seeking professional help.)


I truly admire people who can endure prolonged suffering with minimal complaints. I find that difficult to do. But I’ve learned that complaining doesn’t help anyone. If there’s something someone can do to help me, or even if I just need prayer, I can let them know in the form of a polite request. That’s different than complaining. I often fall short in the patience department even with little things, like a computer that doesn’t work, or trying to find a misplaced item or unscrew a well- sealed lid on a jar. My patience is tested daily and I often fall short.


A patient person also exercises self-control when insulted. Jesus is the supreme example of this, also. “He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth. When they hurled their insults at him, he did not retaliate; when he suffered, he made no threats. Instead, he entrusted himself to him who judges justly.” (1 Peter 2:22-23, NIV)


When I am slandered or falsely accused of something, my natural inclination is to defend myself. But experience has taught me that it’s pointless to do so if the other person is not open to seeing any perspective other than their own. In such cases, it’s best to follow Jesus’ example of remaining silent and leaving it in my heavenly Father’s hands.


A patient person also calmly tolerates delay, confusion, or inefficiency. I struggle in all of these areas. I don’t like it when my plans are delayed. I also want quick answers to my questions and quick resolutions to my problems. Finally, it’s a challenge to be patient with people that I perceive as being inefficient, which is ironic since I’m frequently the inefficient one!


Patience requires great faith that God’s in control and that His timing and ways are perfect. Much of life is about waiting patiently on the Lord’s timing. We might as well accept it and learn how to do it! (We do it by trusting Him and surrendering to Him.) When there’s no longer a battle between our will and His, calmness settles in. Peace comes with an absence of striving. In our waiting, we need to “…be patient and stand firm.” (James 5:8, NIV) Just like the farmer tending his crops while he waits for the harvest, God will give us things to do while we’re waiting for the answers to our prayers (even if it’s “just” the job of praying, which is actually the best thing we can be doing). We need to simply follow His lead without rushing Him, resting in His time schedule.

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