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Marriage Version of 1 Corinthians 13:4-8


This is my marriage version of 1 Corinthians 13:4-8:

Love is patient. Don’t force your agenda upon the other person, but rather, wait patiently until an agreement has been reached that satisfies both of you.

Love is kind. Do nice things for each other, and be sensitive to each other’s feelings.

Love does not envy. Do not be envious when the other person gets recognition or privileges, even if both of you deserve them.

Love does not boast. Do not say, “I told you so,” when it turns out that you were right about something.

Love is not proud. Humbly consider the other person’s opinions as carefully as you consider your own.

Love is not rude. Do not interrupt the other person when they are talking.

Love is not self-seeking. Consider the other person’s needs and strive to meet them.

Love is not easily angered. Control your temper when you disagree and do not say unkind things.

Love keeps no record of wrongs. Once you have forgiven the person for something, never mention their mistake again. (Unless you mutually agree to share it for instructional purposes.)

Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. Do not expose the other’s faults to someone else, but rather, rejoice in their strengths.

Love always protects. Protect each other’s reputations by not saying negative things about them to others.

Love always trusts. Be honest with each other about your feelings and treat those feelings with tender respect.

Love always hopes. Always hope for the best, and work together to achieve your mutual goals and strengthen your relationship.

Finally, Love always perseveres. May you never give up on each other, but rather, commit to a life-long relationship. Then you will be blessed.

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