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Following Begins With Surrendering

In order for us to follow anyone, we must trust them enough to surrender our will to theirs. In the case of Christian wives, if we're to follow our husband, even when we feel they're making a mistake, we need to trust God enough to believe His promise to bring good out of all things for those who...

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Keep Letting Go

I once ran across a cartoon by Randy Glasbergen that spoke volumes to me. Two little boys were standing together, face to face. One was listening and the other was speaking. The caption read: "My Sunday School teacher said I should follow Jesus, but I'm not allowed to leave the yard." How are we...

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Nurturing Helpful Attitudes

For many years, I assumed that I was supposed to sacrificially serve my family and say nothing about my own needs. This only resulted in resentment on my part and insensitivity on their part.   I will share some lessons I learned along the way that helped our whole family to be more...

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Follow Through On What You Say

Moses, a man God praised for his humility, and to whom God gave incredible responsibility and privileges, once disobeyed God in a moment of frustration with His people. The consequence of his sin was that he was not allowed to enter the promised land that he had been leading the Israelite nation...

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Realistic Expectations and Healthy Compromise

It's important to get to know our children well, so our expectations of them are realistic. It's also good to know when to adapt to their needs, and when they are capable of adapting to ours.   When our daughters were 8 and 6 years old, I took them on a mother-daughter retreat. I was...

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Parents: Be United

When parents have differing opinions about child rearing, it is best to privately discuss our views and come up with a plan of how to handle that with the children. We should help our children learn to respect other's opinions and how to look for compromises but be united in our decisions about...

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To Initiate or Not?

I know that my role as a wife and helpmate is to respectfully present my views to my husband and then follow his lead and support his decisions. But the Lord continues to fine-tune my understanding of how subtly and unintentionally I can undermine Tom's leadership. I have learned that there are...

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Respect and Patience in Action

Some lessons need to be continually re-learned or refined. Such is the case of learning to listen humbly and respectfully to the other person, and also remembering to patiently give them the time they need to process my ideas or suggestions.   I had once written the lyrics to a song. In my...

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Follow Your Husband’s Lead

I have personally only known one woman who was intentionally manipulative. She married a man for his money. All the other wives that I've known personally married men they loved and respected, and they desired to be helpful, not hurtful.   Husbands, please know that most of us wives are not...

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A Serving Attitude

In Luke 15:11-32, the Lord was not only merciful and gentle with the prodigal son, but also with the older unforgiving son, urging him to repent of his sins: jealousy, a lack of forgiveness, hostility, etc. A proud, self-righteous attitude grieves the Lord deeply. Its impossible for such a person...

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