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Am I Helping or Hindering?

It is good to want to help others. However, in our desire to be helpful, we must beware of hindering the other person's development. My desire for peaceful relationships is a good desire, but I sometimes find myself playing the role of middleman between people who don't communicate well with each...

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The Grace Place

There are certain Scriptures that became very real to me when we learned (in August of 2017) that my husband had stage 4 Melanoma cancer. The first is Matthew 6:34: "Therefore (because God is faithful) do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble...

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Book: How To Help Your Child Say No…

Posted 2017. I was cleaning out my book shelf and ran across the book How To Help Your Child Say No To Sexual Pressure by Josh McDowell. I'm not sure if it's still in print, so I'll share the notes I had taken. from pages 128-136: Reasons to Wait (What God wants to protect you from): I. Physical...

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Hannah: A Mother’s Faith

Hannah's story can be found in the Bible (1 Samuel). In those days, men often had more than one wife. It was also considered a disgrace to be barren. Hannah was barren and she suffered the taunts of her husband's other wife, who had children. Hannah cried out to the Lord for a son, promising that...

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Serving God Can Bring Surprises

Washington Gladden (1836-1918) was known in his day as an outstanding preacher and advocate of social justice. He did much to fight corruption in that era. When he wrote the words for "O Master, Let Me Walk With Thee," it was intended as a devotional meditation. Later, when it was suggested that...

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Be Flexible

Tom and I like to play a game called rummikub. The object is to create either runs of the same colored tiles (ie; orange 8, 9, 10, 11, 12) or a grouping of the same number in different colors (ie; the number 5 in three or four different colors). It's necessary to be flexible in your strategy. For...

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Don’t Give Up!

I watched the Super Bowl game with my husband and son, one night. The New England Patriots were way behind the Atlanta Falcons, and the commentators said that, never in Super Bowl history, had a team come from that far behind to win a game. I confess that I didn't think they'd be able to do it,...

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Giving As To The Lord

Ultimately, everything belongs to God. He blesses us, and then expects us to bless others. It's interesting to look at some of the Old Testament passages about giving a portion of everything to the Lord in view of how that might apply to us today. First, we'll look at Leviticus 27:30-33: "A tithe...

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Devotional: God’s Guidance & Peace

Words can't express how much I appreciate God's guidance in both small and large decisions! Of course, I'm thankful for the guidance He gives in the Bible, teaching me what's right and wrong morally, and the examples He gives of how to live. But I also appreciate the guidance that comes through...

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Discussion Questions for Couples

No matter how long we've been married, it's good to intentionally keep learning about our spouse. Since people keep changing, good communication is always important. I created the following discussion questions for my husband and myself, but perhaps you will find them helpful as well. I recommend...

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