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Be Flexible

Tom and I like to play a game called Rummikub. The object is to create either runs of the same colored tiles (ie; orange 8, 9, 10, 11, 12) or a grouping of the same number in different colors (ie; the number 5 in three or four different colors). It's necessary to be flexible in your strategy. For...

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Using Priorities as Guidelines

Daily, we are faced with choices about how to spend our time. Some options are clearly destructive, but for most of us, it is often a matter of choosing between a number of good options. When we're trying to decide what to bring into, or take out of, our lives, it helps to ask ourselves questions...

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Calm Your Heart

I am learning how important it is when, in a state of panic or anxiousness, to STOP (even sit down, if necessary), PRAY and WAIT for God to quiet my emotions so I can hear what He's trying to say.   Too often, when I'm in a panic, I'll shoot up a prayer for help, but then I continue to try to...

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Don’t Lead When You Should Follow

I learned the hard way that I need to keep focused on what God's calling me to do, and let others discover what God's calling them to do. I once had a vision for our son, and my husband and son pursued that vision with me. The problem was, that wasn't God's vision for our son, and as a result, it...

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Don’t Ignore the Facts

Back when I was a fairly new Christian, I think I had erroneously come to believe that walking by faith meant I was supposed to ignore my feelings, lay aside all logic, and say yes to everything that appeared to be the unselfish thing to do. This belief system complicated the decision- making...

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The Importance of Flexibility

Determination is good when it's truly needed, but if we fail to be flexible, we can miss out on a blessing. My husband is better than I am at balancing work and pleasure. I have asked him to help me in this area. I will share an example of when my determination robbed me of a blessing. To give you...

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Quit or Persevere?

I once read an account of the many political defeats Abraham Lincoln suffered before he finally got elected to the presidency. I wondered why he hadn't given up. I decided that God must have continued to encourage and motivate him to pursue that path. The apostle Paul, on the other hand, asked...

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Sensitivity Helps Make Decisions

In making decisions, it's good to consider what the Bible says and how others feel. Except in instances where the Bible is black and white on a subject, discerning God's will is a delicate process and it's possible to misunderstand Him. In such cases, it's good to seek guidance in the Bible and...

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A Matter of Conscience

Chapter 13 of 1 Kings in the Bible contains an interesting story which has some applications for me. There were two main characters: the man of God and an old prophet. The Lord gave the man of God a message to deliver to the king, which he did. (That took courage because it wasn't a happy...

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The Power of Surrender and Prayer

I once discovered that I can save myself a lot of time by humbly seeking a second opinion! Something had come up that caused me to be concerned, and I was praying for guidance on whether or not to send a letter to someone addressing those concerns. I could have spent a lot of time debating the...

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