Determination is good when it’s truly needed, but if we fail to be flexible, we can miss out on a blessing. My husband is better than I am at balancing work and pleasure. I have asked him to help me in this area.
I will share an example of when my determination robbed me of a blessing. To give you a little background, for years I had felt the need to clean out and organize our filing cabinets, but every time I looked at them, I just felt overwhelmed. Finally, the day came when I had both the time and the motivation to attack them! For about a week I worked on them and it felt great! We actually got rid of two filing cabinets and I ended up with lots of space in the remaining 12 drawers! I was managing to take breaks to enjoy time with my husband and I felt God in it.
But then the day came when my determination, coupled with a lack of flexibility, caused me to miss out on a blessing. After weeks of what we Californians call June gloom (a marine layer of solid gray skies for at least the first half of the day), we got a gorgeous clear, blue- sky day. I did manage to run an errand with Tom, but I wanted to finish up the last two filing cabinet drawers. Knowing how Tom enjoys cruising in the GTO, I suggested that maybe he could go out for a ride while I worked. He did, and God really blessed him. I felt the tug at my heart- strings to enjoy it with him, but to my regret, I opted to stay home. I felt the difference in my heart: my task was now feeling like a chore and I was longing to be enjoying the beautiful day with Tom. At least the Lord drew my attention to the clock when it was time to prepare dinner, and I put aside my work to do so.
God was gracious to me. I did finish the last two drawers, but my failure to lay aside my plans robbed me of a greater blessing. So, it’s important that we be flexible with our plans and take advantage of God’s best for us.
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